Wednesday, 5 April 2006

I was going to go for a walk this morning because I seem to be eating so much I think I need damage control. But all my fine intentions went out the window because it was bucketing down outside. There go all the Cherry Blossums.

Sometimes the Japanese are so weird. In the bathrooms at work, we have heated toilet seats which sounds a bit strange until you’ve tried them. It’s so nice on a freezing cold day. But then they don’t have hot water at the sink so you have to wash your hands in this freezing, practically glacial water. And then there are no hand towels (you are meant to bring your own) but if you are lucky there might be a hand blow dryer. Well, I don’t really mean lucky because they are not heated so you get blown away by an artic wind and your hands nearly drop off from frost bite.

For lunch we went to an Indian restaurant that was ok. You don’t actually order a bunch of naans to share, you get one each with your meal. And they are massively, huge. It’s so strange, tiny weeny cars and huge naan bread – how can they co-exist in such harmony?


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