Saturday, 9 September 2006

By special request and for MC Etcher:

"10 Things I hate about Japan"

10. The only place one can buy baked beans is in Tokyo. That sucks.

9. Fruit is too expensive. I can buy bananas but apples are about $2 each. I refuse to pay that much for a substandard, floury-tasting apple.

8. The speed limit on main roads is 50 km/hr. The speed limit on the expressway is 80 km/hr. This drives me crazy because I am incredibly impatient and it takes forever to get anywhere.

7. Bowing. I am sick to death of frigging bowing.

6. The humidity in summer is hideous. It's like living in one of those dome things they have at the botanic gardens.

5. I hate that in Japan I have freakishly large feet and it's nearly impossible to buy shoes other than sneakers.

4. Nearly everyone in Japan smokes and I hate sitting next to smokers in restaurants.

3. The dogs in Japan hate me. I've probably found about 4 dogs since I've been that have let me pat them without threatening to remove my hand with their teeth.

2. That I can't speak Japanese and therefore answer people when they ask me a question.

And the number one Thing I Hate About Japan

1. Everything frickin beeps all the time. The washing machine beeps when you turn it on and when it's finished, the microwave keeps beeping until you open the door, the car beeps if you turn the lights on, don't shut the door probably, reverse or leave the keys in the iginition, the photocopier beeps incessantly and I can't figure out why. The beeping is probably what will drive me over the edge and I'll end up running screaming down the street in my pajamas. Watch the international headlines folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:15 am  
Blogger Matt said...

The rampant smoking thing is probably the reason for the lack of baked beans. You don't want an entire island nation eating baked beans while they all carry open flames around in their mouths. That's just a recipe for disaster.

7:04 pm  
Blogger MC Etcher said...

Yay! Glad to hear you're not in Utopia after all.

10:18 pm  
Blogger Blandwagon said...

The beeping is probably what will drive me over the edge and I'll end up running screaming down the street in my pajamas.

Your pajamas will, of course, be beeping at the time, and possibly extolling the virtues of Hello Kitty in a tinny prerecorded voice.

A friend of mine has just bought a Roomba robot vacuum cleaner. The damn thing has more tunes in it than my iPod... it's like someone crossbred a turtle with The Chemical Brothers.

3:36 pm  
Blogger Craig said...

Those are some expensive bad apples.

11:07 am  

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