Friday, 7 April 2006

Today was another beautiful day and I went for my walk a bit earlier. I also went down the side streets and had a lovely time terrifying all the small school children. Because the footpaths are so narrow, they all walk to school in a line and they are so damn cute. Of course they all stared at the crazy gaijin and then when I looked at them, they all stared at the ground and grabbed each others hands. Ahh, it was fun.

At work we sorted text books for the kids and then the boss took us out to lunch at an Italian restaurant. I had a delicious smoked chicken pizza and a lycee and soda drink followed by chocolate something. We then did a practice run through of the three lessons I’ll be doing on Monday. I even had to practice greeting pretend parents and Sarah was my student. If I have any students like Sarah, I’m going to put Ritalin in the water.

After work I was too knackered to do anything exciting so I just went home and ate steamed veges and sashimi before collapsing into bed.


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