Saturday, 24 June 2006

So this week has just flown by and it seems like just yesterday that I posted something here.

Tonight, Emily and I drove out to Isesaki, which is about 40 mins away from Takasaki. We went to the London Bus Bar with a bunch of the Isesaki (and other neighbouring towns) Nova people. Don't be fooled by the name, the London Bus Bar is actually a bar in a bus. And the bus is in a carpark. You get your drink from the bus and then sit outside in the carpark either in a foldup chair or at a picnic table. It was fun though and the guy who owns it, Akira, was really nice. After a few tequilas, it didn't take much to persuade him to bring out his mandolin. He also had a zippy, three wheeled scooter that he let me have a go on. It was so much fun - kinda like a regular scooter crossed with skiing.

Here's me reliving my childhood in a carpark in Isesaki.

Oh, and the accurate observer will notice that I had my hair cut too. All thanks go to Shimoyama at Nano Hair. Especially as he speaks about as much English as I speak Japanese, he did a wonderful job.

Here's Emily and I, right before I popped her head off like a grape.


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