Sunday, 9 April 2006

I slept in this morning and after lunch I drove over to Megan’s and we all went to a Hanamai party by the river. Hanamai is basically a party to admire the Cherry Blossums but most people just get drunk. It was freezing cold and the wind was horrific. I wore my leather jacket and Megan loaned me a pair of gloves.

The best part of the day was that I saw the local branch of the Japan Hawk Society (or whatever they’re called). I asked the guy if I could have my photo taken with him and the hawk and he nodded and smiled. So I stood next to him while Megan got the camera out. His friend saw what I was doing and took his glove off and put it on my arm and then they sat the hawk on my arm. All these Japanese people were laughing at the crazy gaijin but then they all started lining up to have their photo taken too. The hawk was huge with an enormous beak and the most incredible talons. It was fantastic.

When everyone at the party was good and drunk, we started to play soccer which was fun. Eventually I trailed home because I was cold and tired.


Blogger Jose Chavez said...

I don't know if you have read this site but it's a pretty good reading

You have a good blog, and i'll be sure to keep a watch on it =D

9:50 am  

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