A Day In The Life

The 8:15am alarm is usually required to jerk me into wakefulness from whence I leave my bed bursting with joy at the thought of the day that lies ahead. Actually, I usually hit the snooze button and go back to sleep briefly before dragging my cranky arse out of bed by 8:30am. Hit the shower first up then have breakfast while chatting to Mark on Skype. Sometimes I’ll blow dry my hair or do a load of washing before leaving the house at a dead sprint by 10am. Drive to work fuming about the people who do 25km/hr down the main road and by 10:15am, I’m installed at my desk.

In the mornings the native teachers either talk about any problems we are having, lesson plans that we have to write, actually write the lesson plans, make materials for our lessons or, if we’ve got a big event coming up, we’ll talk it through as a group.

Around 12:30, we all gather up our things and wander off to lunch. Depending on how much time we’ve got and when our first lesson starts, we gaijin usually eat lunch together. My personal favourite is the French restaurant near my house, but the pasta place near work is nice too. We’ve got to be at our schools at least an hour before class starts, so if I have a kindy class, I need to be there by 2pm. We each go to a different school every day and our schools are spread out all over Takasaki and other nearby towns so we need to factor in travel time so we get to school in time.

Our littlest 3 - 4 year old kids have class from 3pm to 3:30pm. The next class up start at 3:40pm and go until 4:10pm, so I see these little kids each week. The older kids I only teach once a fortnight (the Japanese teacher teaches them the week I don’t see them) so each week I teach the alternate group. We teach three classes in the afternoon and the last class finishes at 6:40pm. We then tidy up our classrooms and then write up our class reports. Usually the Japanese teacher and I will also talk about any problems or difficulties that the students are having.

We usually finish work between 7:15-7:30pm so I’m usually home by 8:00pm or so. Sometimes I stop on the way home and pick up some groceries. Then I talk to Mark on Skype while I eat my dinner. I try to do my email after work or I read or watch a movie. Unless it is Wednesday night when we all head over to Canadian Sara’s for American Idol (and I'd appreciate it if we pretend I never said that). I try to get to bed by 11:30 or so because I get too cranky if I’m tired (or hot, or hungry, or pretty much anything else).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

6:32 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

1:07 pm  

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