Saturday, 15 April 2006

Today I did some washing and cleaning stuff and then I went shopping – on my own. I bought two pairs of Chuck Taylors (one pair are dark pink, light pink and white and the other pair are navy, orange and white) at the shoe shop just down the road. Then I went to Bic Camera which is a big electronics store near my work. I bought a spare battery for my camera and I got a bunch of my favourite photos printed out for my notice board. I didn’t know how to work the photo machine (what with it being in Japanese and all) so I wakarimasen’ed the lady who worked there and she showed me how to do it. Then I went to the supermarket and bought some sashimi for dinner.

But I think I’m actually turning Japanese. At most of the big shops they have parking attendants whose job it is to direct the incoming cars to available parking spots and to move the cars leaving the car park in an orderly fashion. I’m now so used to being directed in a car park that when I went to Humpty Dumpty (a shop full of little gorgeous things) and realized that they had no parking attendant I had a momentary panic and thought “Oh God – where do I park, where do I park?

I called Sarah when I got home and then we all spent the rest of the afternoon all lying under the doona watching a british TV show called Brass Eye and eating Violet Crumbles. An afternoon well spent all in all.


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